According to Russia " the military affairs is balanced " the website reported Russia air force announces to will purchase 90 2012 on November 23, 2011 new-style and improve model plane and helicopter. Although the number is very large, but press expert estimation, reflect such rate, russia air force is total of the plane update will protracted 40 15 pin vga to hdmi years. Its reason is: Latent capacity of aircraft manufacturing industry is insufficient, national defence purchases a consideration not.
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Academy of sciences of problem of ground fringe politics Constantine Xifukefu of the first pair of dean thinks, below the case that orders 90 aircrafts every year, the plane of Russia air force is updated also will protracted to 35-50 year.
Xifukefu points out, an aviation corps has 40 planes. By annual 10 speed that are the same as model plane are updated, the time that whole aviation corps needs 4 years. Only front air arm needs 400 new aircrafts. Reach from this, be front air arm purchase need 40 years at least. During this the aircraft that first purchasing already will withdraw occurrence service. dog stairs
Xifukefu estimates, annihilate attacks air arm to need many 1000 new aircraft, military air arm needs to make an appointment with 700 helicopter. Can say, these amounts are a drop in the sea only, what what say is, purchase and improve upgrade 90 planes this is negligible simply.
Xifukefu thinks, to a group of planes was updated 2020, air force need purchases Russia every year to be not mixed under 200 new aircraft helicopter, improve at the same time upgrade at least 200 planes.
According to the data of air force itself, the air unit will equip 2012 slightly the new helicopter of 20 over new aircrafts and same amount. Army will purchase 10 revive - 34 front bomber, about 10 revive - 25SM attack plane, reach revive - 35 fighter plane, the best selling satin pjs its are accurate the amo most popular selling 15 pin vga unt is stemmed from confidential did not disclose. dog crates large
Include the new-style gunship that purchase many 20 rice - 28N " nightly hunter " , card - 52 " crocodilian " with exit attack helicopter rice - 24, acquisition title is rice - 35, be return of the business that be purchased by abroad. In addition, military air arm makes an appointment with co 15 pin vga cable to hdmi mplement 30 rice - 8 helicopter mix 5 rice - 26T heavy-duty helicopter.
Before this, · of Alexander of commander-in-chief of Russia air force lustre forest admiral ever announced, to the modern technology with medium 2015 number of air force p 12 volt adaptor price lane equipment proportion will be updated 1/3, and arrived 2020, a certain number of planting of weaponry will achieve newlier 100% , and whole updates degree to will be achieved 80% . (Chinese aviation industry develops a research center Wang Xinyu)
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